Premier Green UPVC Pipes & Fittings

- UPVC PIPES & Fittings Plumbing Sysytem With Revolutionary Patented Installation Technology
Premier Green UPVC pipes & Fittings are available in different sizes & pressure class are perfect & ideal solution for water supply and irrigation. Premier Green UPVC pipes & Fittings are approved by bureau of Indian standards & are marked to IS: 4985:2000 standard and are available in 20 mm to 225 mm sizes in different pressure class. Pipes with both types of joints i.e. solvent cement type & rubber seal type are available. These pipes are used for agriculture, irrigation, water supply, swimming pools, industrial lines, etc.
These pipes having advantages like, Light weight, corrosion & chemical resistant, easy & fast installation, high flow rate, economical & long life.

Coldwater plumbing application

Water Distribution mains

Swimming pools

Plants & tanning plants

Saltwater line

Industrial process lines

Hand pumps

Down take lines
1. Odourless & Hygienic
2. High Chemical Resistant
3. High Corrosion Resistant
4. Self-Extinguishing
5. Economical
6. Long Life
7. No Maintenance Required
1. Strength & Durability
2. Non-Poisonous
3. Simple to Insert and Lightweight
4. Unaffected quality of water
5. Cost-Effective
6. Leak-Resistant
7. Maximum Flow
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